Minggu, 30 September 2012

How to Enjoy Free TV Channels Through an SW-21 Switch

A lot of people have already discovered free TV viewing through installing satellite systems in their homes. However, as it is in man's nature to want something more than what they already have, it is expected for some of those already enjoying satellite TV to do something to enhance their TV viewing. If you are one of these and you wish to add on another satellite antenna to your system, then you will also need a sw-21 switch.
Get Yourself an SW-21 Switch
This device is very important if you have more than one satellite dish because it is what helps in making your reception clearer. It is what combines the feeds from both your satellite antennas before sending it to your free to air or FTA receiver. With this combiner equipment, you will be able to get the best quality reception from multiple locations of satellites.
Set It Up Into Your Satellite System
The combiner is placed between the LNB ports of your satellite dishes and your FTA receiver with the use of coaxial cables. So, all you need to be able to set up and have the sw-21 switch working are three lengths of coaxial cables plus your satellite dishes and your receiver. The first two coaxial cables will be attached between your satellite antenna's LNB ports and the "to dish" jacks of the switch. The other one will run from the "receiver" jack of your switch right into the "satellite in" jack of you FTA receiver.
Research If Unsure About the Set Up
If you are still not confident about how all these work together, you can also ask the person you bought your switch from. If you also purchased it online, your seller will most probably have a 24-hour customer service number that you can call so all your concerns can be given answer. You could also do some research online to see if what you are doing is right. There are many reliable sources on the Internet when it comes to setting up satellite systems, including adding on a combiner.
Sit Back and Enjoy Some Free TV
Once you have everything in place, you can start enjoying free TV viewing with the best reception you can get from different satellite locations. This means not only getting almost 300 free to air channels, but also getting them with a clearer and high-definition quality with the help of your sw-21 switch. This will perfectly complement your home theatre system and will complete your total TV viewing pleasure.
Although working as a writer, Tara Marie L Mosqueda is a certified couch potato and TV junkie during her free time. To enjoy free TV, she has set up a satellite system in her home using the services and products of http://www.oceansatellite.net. If you are looking for equipment such as a sw-21 switch to complete your satellite system, you could try to visit the site.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tara_Marie_L_Mosqueda

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7286289

Sabtu, 29 September 2012

Gingerly, iPad Into The Crowd


I was a skeptic when Apple introduced the iPad in the spring of 2010. It was immediately clear that this would be a hot-selling item, but tablet computers were not new and had never been more than a niche product.
So I wondered what, exactly, most people would do with the new gadget. I thought there was a pretty good chance those sleek new machines would end up gathering dust like so many old boom boxes, unable to match the power of fully equipped computers or the convenience of ever-more-capable smart phones.
I am not going to say, "I hate to say I told you so... " First of all, I have enough chutzpah to write an opinion column, and you can rest assured that despite their denials, opinion columnists love to say "I told you so." It's called attribution bias. When we're right, it proves how smart we are. When we're wrong, it proves that the world has gone crazy. (Remember this principle the next time you hear someone predict what the stock market will do in the next six months.)
The second and major reason I am not going to say "I told you so" is that the world has gone crazy over the iPad. Some 55 million devices were sold through the end of 2011, according to Time. It seems entirely possible that Apple will sell that many again in 2012 - bringing the total well over 100 million devices by the end of this year.
They can't all be gathering dust in our closets. We don't have enough closet space.
My wife owns one of those iPads. She got it not long after I wrote my column questioning what to do with it. My wife happens to be the executive in charge of marketing at my firm. The main reason for buying the device, or so we told ourselves, was that it would let her familiarize herself with the hardware platform and the various applications for it, so we would understand how to use tablets in our business.
As it turned out, the iPad was very good for playing various Scrabble-type games. My wife is a word-game barracuda. She's got around five games going simultaneously pretty much all the time, and she has a fleet of machines - two laptops, a smartphone and her iPad - to help her keep up.
Lately I have started borrowing her iPad. I was working at our home in New York recently when a storm knocked out our cable company's internet service. The iPad's 3G internet service on AT&T's network allowed me to log back on to my office computer and resume my work. The connection was slower, and it was not easy to work without my accustomed keyboard, but I was able to stay productive during a three-hour outage that otherwise would have forced me offline.
More often, I use the iPad as a substitute for my latest defunct Kindle e-reader. I have a Kindle subscription to The Wall Street Journal, which is convenient because I travel frequently and would get little use from a daily newspaper delivery. I like to read The Journal while I spend my customary daily hour on the elliptical machine in an endless battle against the bodily effects of travel and age.
I like technology, but I usually refrain from change just for the sake of change. If something works for me, I tend to stay with it. So when the iPad came out, I saw no reason to stop using my Kindle, which worked.
Except that the Kindle stopped working. And so did another, and another. I'm not a heavy or heavy-handed user, but my devices kept breaking. First, the selector button on the large-screen Kindle DX literally broke in half. This is the button that acts like a joystick, allowing the user to move the cursor and select items off the menu. For a long time I tried just squeezing the fractured halves together, as I was in no hurry to inject glue into my out-of-warranty machine, but eventually I gave up and moved to another device.
That one developed a crack near the USB port into which the charger is plugged. I became an expert at jiggling the charger cord and balancing the apparatus ever-so-carefully, but that got tiresome and eventually stopped working, too.
The next Kindle, which another family member had had for some time but never used, just died. It simply refused to wake up one day, like a body that had reached the end of its biological time clock. There are steps one should take in that situation. I took them without results. Finally I administered the last rites and contemplated getting yet another Kindle.
I can still get the "Kindle keyboard," as the older-fashioned machines are now known, or I could get the newer Kindle Fire - which is a tablet modeled very much along the lines of the iPad, but with less software flexibility. It's just a question of whose ecosystem I prefer to join, Apple's or Amazon's. As a heavy Apple user in the rest of my computing life, I am not in a big hurry to make my life more complicated while still ending up with the same class of device.
So I am experimenting with the Kindle app on my wife's iPad. I can get my Journal, and it's easier to read on the tablet's bigger, brighter, higher-contrast color screen. I find it is not a problem to turn pages with my finger, even when I am exercising. I do not have Amazon's free
The transition is not without cost. I particularly liked the Kindle's ability to save a Journal article in a "clippings" file with just a simple command. I used the clippings file to store stories that might be the nucleus of a future commentary column. The iPad app for the Kindle does not support clippings. It allows user-selected highlights to be stored, but I haven't got the hang yet of highlighting and storing things while I pump away on the elliptical.
But the bottom line is that, even as I type this column on my laptop's QWERTY keyboard (like the one on the Royal 440 manual typewriter on which I learned touch-typing more than 40 years ago), I have to recognize that keyboards are going away. They are vanishing from smartphones, as Blackberry maker RIM is discovering to its corporate sorrow. They are vanished from tablets, and the day is probably coming when most computers will incorporate touch screens and voice recognition, with vestigial keyboards that will eventually wither away.
Maybe I was right all along, and 100 million iPad buyers are wrong. It doesn't matter. Since we can't fit all those iPads in our closets, we're just going to have to use them. I might as well get used to it.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Larry_M._Elkin

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7305943

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7305943

Selasa, 25 September 2012

Agar Biaya Efektif SEO Lebih Murah

SEO,(Search Engine Optimization)
adalah salah satu cara yang paling efektif untuk menghasilkan lalu lintas yang ditargetkan berkualitas ke situs Web Anda. Sebuah situs web yang baik dioptimalkan, menghasilkan imbalan finansial berkelanjutan untuk pengusaha online. Bagi pengusaha yang tidak memiliki pengetahuan, serta seperti keterampilan untuk  mengoptimalkan situs mereka, bisa mengakibatkan menghabiskan jutaan rupiah untuk melakukannya. Hal itu sendiri, bisa sangat mengecewakan bagi pengusaha online baru. Meskipun bahwa prospek negatif, internet datang seperti 'kuda putih' untuk menyelamatkan. Secara harfiah ada informasi yang terbatas, sumber daya, alat-alat di internet yang akan membantu Anda sebagai pemilik bisnis pemula online. Apa yang Anda akan menemukan, adalah bahwa Anda bisa, bahkan pada anggaran yang terbatas, membuat biaya optimasi mesin pencari rendah untuk situs Anda. Untuk membantu Anda dalam meneliti informasi ini tersedia, dan untuk memperoleh keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk menciptakan SEO yang sukses, di sini adalah empat (4) cara Anda harus mulai lakukan:

    Link Bursa: Metode ini hanya menghubungkan situs Anda ke situs lain. Melalui direktori tukar link anggota, Anda akan menemukan situs yang berbagi kepentingan bersama dengan situs Anda. Dengan mengirimkan permintaan kepada pemilik situs tertentu, yang setuju untuk pertukaran, berarti Anda akan menghubungkan ke situs mereka, dan mereka link ke situs Anda. Ada pertukaran link banyak yang dari sangat kehilangan biaya untuk keanggotaan gratis untuk bergabung pertukaran. Bagi Anda ini bisa berarti cara yang sangat murah untuk meningktakan hasil bisnis Anda, peringkat  Anda.

    Konten yang kaya kata kunci: Tanpa pertanyaan salah satu cara terbaik untuk SEO yang efektif, adalah Anda menulis konten atau artikel yang kaya dengan kata kunci. Bagi pemula yang tidak memiliki  keterampilan awal untuk menulis artikel tersebut, akan lebih bijaksana untuk membuat artikel untuk digunakan di situs Anda. Di sini lagi jika Anda memutuskan untuk menggunakan konten lain selain Anda sendiri, penting untuk mendapatkan izin dari penulis, serta, seperti mengakui penulis di situs Anda. Salah satu titik akhirnya mengenai konten Anda, Anda ingin menghindari konten, dan sebagai kata kunci yang akan mendatangkan pengunjung potensial ke situs Anda. Menjaga konten yang segar, mudah dibaca ini akan meningkatkan kemungkinan pengunjung kembali datang lagi.

    Domain Name Magnetic: Ingat tujuan Anda adalah untuk menghasilkan kualitas pengunjung. Memiliki 'nama domain catchy' adalah penting untuk mencapai tujuan itu. Sebuah nama domain menarik adalah salah satu yang pengunjung ke situs Anda ingat, dan mengidentifikasi bisnis Anda. Ini harus harus singkat namun memikat. Anda akan menemukan betapa berharganya ini akan untuk bisnis online Anda. Ini adalah bidang lain kesempatan untuk kreativitas Anda.

    Site Navigation: Memiliki akses terorganisir mudah atau langkah-langkah bagi pengunjung untuk menavigasi, membantu untuk menempatkan pelanggan potensial nyaman mengunjungi situs Anda. Menghasilkan kesediaan mereka untuk kembali lagi dan menunjukkan situs Anda kepada orang lain.

Keempat daerah dibahas di sini, titik awal yang baik untuk menciptakan, mengelola optimalisasi situs Anda. Adalah penting untuk menyadari bahwa SEO adalah proses yang berkelanjutan.  sebagai pengusaha online terus memperoleh pengetahuan, meningkatkan keterampilan Anda SEO tidak dapat understated. Ada sambungan informasi baru mengenai SEO, bahwa Anda berbisnis Anda untuk menyadari sepenuhnya.

Senin, 24 September 2012

Parameter Panduan SEO

Banyak sekali Parameter yang mempengaruhi SEO, pada kali ini penulis akan membahas beberapa parameter yang dasar dan yang sedang populer saat ini. Adapun beberapa parameter tersebut meliputi:
  • Optimasi mega tag halaman website dan Blog
  • Penggunaan SEF ( Search Engine Friendly) yang berkaitan dengan URL/Link sebuah Website/ Blog
  • Penggunaan Google Analytics
  • Pemanfaatan Web/ Blog direktori
  • Penulisan  artikel yang menarik atau yang sedang populer dengan mengacu pada analisis menggunakan Google Trend
  • Berkunjung dan tukar Link
  • Optimasi isi Artikel baik berupa Teks, Link dan Gambar
  • Memasang Widget informasi PageRank dan Widget Form Search Engine
  • Memasang Beberapa Widget Pendukung
  • Publikasi  di situs jejaring sosial seperti facebook, friendstar, dan Twitter
Demikianlah parameter pandua SEO, Untuk selanjutnya dilain kesempatan penulis akan menguraikan secara rinci paramater tersebut.

Minggu, 23 September 2012

Connect a Second Monitor to Your Computer


Before we discuss the how we begin with a brief discussion of the why.
Firstly, multiple monitors are quite useful aids when it comes to multitasking. They can increase productivity by allowing for more information to be available in front of the operator at the one time. Further, they can reduce the time spent searching through windows, tabs, files and folders and can free up brain power that would otherwise be spent remembering the location of things.
Clearly, the existence (and level) of benefit, is dependent on the tasks a person performs on his or her computer. For a person using their computer to pay their bills online and play the odd game of Solitaire, there really is no need to consume the extra kilowatts of an additional screen. If for example, you are a graphic designer, a stock market analyst or simply someone who requires a lot of programs or files to be open at the one time, then the arguments for setting up additional monitors are, in the author's opinion, persuasive.
This is a notion that more and more businesses are accepting by providing workstations with two or more monitors for their staff. This fact has no doubt been aided by the increase in the affordability of computer displays over the past few years.
With regards to the how, in most cases, connecting a second monitor is quite simple. Modern PCs will generally offer two suitable ports, oftentimes a VGA and a DVI. Connecting one monitor to one port and the other monitor to the other port is typically enough for an operating system (such as Windows 7 or Apple's Snow Leopard) to recognize both. However, sometimes a level of tweaking through the operating system is required. For Windows 7, this can be achieved through Change Screen Resolution, which can be found under the Control Panel. For Snow Leopard, System Preferences - Displays. It is within this folder that you can setup one monitor as the primary, adjust the resolution as well as refresh rate.
If your PC does not support two monitors, you may need to upgrade your video card, add an additional video card or consider the use of a splitter or adaptor. When dealing with splitters and adaptors, you should remain mindful of the fact that certain configurations can result in mere duplication of the images on both monitors, as opposed to doubling your independently workable viewing space.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Graeme_W_Aerts

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7285376
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