Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012

Informasi Teknologi sebagai dasar fondasi bisnis

Hampir setiap bisnis saat ini adalah menggunakan teknologi informasi. Inovasi-inovasi teknologi dalam perangkat keras komputer, aplikasi perangkat lunak, internet dan konektivitas nirkabel menyebabkan efisiensi bisnis. Berbagai jenis badan usaha menjadi sangat tergantung pada operasi ini teknologi untuk sehari-hari operasi mereka.

Dari perangkat lunak pengolah kata sederhana untuk sistem database canggih terenkripsi, berbagai jenis bisnis yang bergantung pada teknologi informasi untuk bertransaksi dengan klien dan mitra bisnis. Sebagian besar transaksi bisnis sekarang dalam format elektronik atau digital. Oleh karena itu, tidaklah mengherankan mengapa perusahaan-perusahaan besar menginvestasikan sejumlah besar uang pada teknologi informasi.

Infrastruktur bisnis tidak hanya mengacu pada bangunan dan struktur beton lainnya. Hal ini juga mengacu pada sistem pendukung utama bisnis seperti infrastruktur teknologi. Tidak seperti infrastruktur beton dan logam, infrastruktur teknologi perlu dirubah. Hal ini dalam rangka untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungan ekonomi yang berubah dengan cepat. Badan usaha yang mampu adaptasi teknologi yang cepat lebih mampu bersaing di skala global.

Teknologi informasi sangat penting untuk infrastruktur bisnis. Hal ini dapat dianggap sebagai sistem  bisnis. Hal ini terutama berlaku untuk bisnis perusahaan besar yang memiliki banyak cabang dan operasi bervariasi. Sebuah bisnis makanan cepat saji, misalnya, bergantung pada pasokan logistik massa-diproduksi bahan seperti roti burger. Efisiensi logistik makanan cepat saji tergantung pada bagaimana cabang-cabang restoran individu berkomunikasi dengan rantai persediaan. Semua ini dimungkinkan karena komputer jaringan dan database yang diperbarui secara real time.

Informasi adalah komoditas baik ketika datang ke operasi bisnis. Ini adalah komoditas karena badan usaha membelinya dalam bentuk aplikasi perangkat lunak. Informasi juga sesuai dengan persediaan atau stok produk. Untuk beberapa bisnis seperti bisnis online, informasi adalah komoditas yang mereka beli dalam bentuk kata kunci. Dari aplikasi perangkat lunak telepon pintar untuk database calon klien, informasi adalah komoditas yang memiliki berbagai macam nilai tergantung pada penggunaan praktis.

Di sisi lain, informasi juga merupakan mata uang dalam arti harfiah dan tidak langsung. Rekening bank, pendapatan transaksi, neraca, dan informasi lainnya kebanyakan memiliki cabang2 elektronik. Sebagian besar benar-benar ada informasi sebagai murni dienkripsi dalam beberapa jaringan komputer. Pembayaran sederhana tarif di komputer, misalnya, kini bisa dengan mudah dilakukan dengan menggunakan ponsel pintar. Utilitas pembayaran tagihan juga bisa sekarang dilakukan secara online melalui server aman dari bank. Tentu saja, belanja juga bisa dilakukan melalui internet. Semua ini melibatkan transfer dan pencatatan informasi dalam bentuk uang elektronik.

Bisnis yang telah maju sistem TI cenderung lebih kompetitif secara global. Transaksi kertas-kurang dan cash-kurang yang sekarang menjadi norma perdagangan global.

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

The "How to" of Affiliate Marketing - Part 1

Have you have ever considered starting an online business by purchasing an Affiliate Program? Affiliate Marketing is simply driving traffic to a product you do not own. In return for your efforts you receive a percentage of the total sale from the Vendor. In Affiliate Marketing you use a number of methods to drive traffic to the product you are promoting. Sounds simple enough, right? We'll, it can be if you have the skills and determination. If you think you have what it takes, read on...
Okay, let say you live a town called Barterville. In the past 5 years Barterville's temperatures have been frequently rising to 125 degrees Fahrenheit (51.7 degrees Celsius) in the summer, Whew! Needless to say the most successful businesses in town, all market something that help people stay cool. You being an entrepreneurial thinker know a business opportunity when you see one. Now unfortunately, there is a problem. The Burger Queen you work at has cut your hours because business has been slow. So you don't have the money to invest in your dream water park, (you have coined "Big Mula"). But you do happen to know of a water park call The Tidal Wave, just on the outskirts of town? Most people don't even know about it because it's located 2 mile off the main highway, hidden by dense foliage, and no signs. After talking to the owner Mr. Peterson, you both agree upon a deal that you will bring customers to his water park. In this deal you will receive 65% of the sale on each admission ticket purchased by the customers you campaign to The Tidal Wave.
What? I know you're asking yourself "what the heck did I just read?" Well, what this story illustrates is the beginning of a relationship between you (the Affiliate), and Mr. Peterson (the Vendor). So what methods are you going to use to get people (traffic) to come to The Tidal Wave (the product)? See all you need to do now is to come up with some creative and inexpensive ways, to get people to visit and purchase a ticket at The Tidal Wave. The goal is cashing in on your 65% for the work you do promoting The Tidal Wave. The goal and success of each Affiliate Marketing sale is called the Conversion. And the Conversion in this story is the customer buying an admission ticket.
Think about how you're going to make that Conversion happen. Let the creative juices flow folks... I'll be back with part 2 soon.
Thanks for reading
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=V._River

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7315601

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

How to Show Hidden Files in Windows

Why are some files hidden?
The answer is pretty straight forward. Hidden files and folders constitute those that, if altered, could have a major effect on the way your system performs. Hence, when Windows is first installed, it hides these elements to keep anyone from accidentally deleting, renaming or moving files that the operating system relies on.
Why would I need to see hidden files?
All in all it's a good policy, but occasionally, computer repair calls for making the exact types of changes they want to guard against. To accommodate actual IT repair, Windows makes it easy to view the hidden files and folders if you want. You just have to adjust the Folder Options in Windows Explorer.
Not to be confused with the web browser called Internet Explorer, Windows Explorer is a program installed on every Windows system. It constitutes the folder hierarchy you see whenever you click (My) Computer. We've all used it; it allows us to navigate down the hierarchy from disk to folder to folder, etc.
How to do it...
To show hidden files, just start by opening up Windows explorer. You can just go to My Documents if you want; any open Windows will do.
» In Windows XP, click the menu heading labeled Tools, then select "Folder Options."
» In Win Vista and 7, click the menu heading labeled Organize, then select Folder and Search Options.
» When the Folder Options window appears, click on the View Tab
» In the Advanced Settings pane, you can scroll through a series of options that determine how information in your computer is displayed. Locate the "Hidden Files and Folders" radio buttons and select: "Show Hidden files folders and drives."
By the way, if you prefer to either see or not see the files extensions, you can adjust that here by checking or unchecking the box labeled "Hide extensions for known file types." File extensions are the three-letter designation that follows a file name like.exe,.doc,.xls,.jpg,.mov, etc. Most users like seeing them, but remember, if you opt to see the file extensions then you can change a file's type by just relabeling the file extension. Having them hidden prevents this.
» Click Apply, then OK and you're done.
Now you'll see folders appearing where you hadn't before, often they'll look faded. This indicates that this is a system folder that would otherwise be hidden.
By showing hidden files you'll gain a new perspective on the inner workings of a system. For example you may see more files like "desktop.ini" and various ".bat" files. These coordinate the icons within Windows Explorer. Don't delete these; just ignore them. They tell your computer how to display items in such a way that you can recognize them.
If these hidden files bother you, you can re-hide hidden files and directories by simply going back to the Folder Options and opting to "Don't show hidden files, folders or drives."
For more information on Optimizing your PC, visit our extensive information blog at http://www.fixcleaner.com/blog Here, you can find easy access to articles on fixing errors and optimizing all sorts of Windows functions. You can even get tips and tricks on how to navigate your way across the new frontier of Internet Social Media.
Moses K. is an analyst and contributing writer for SlimWare Utilities. He specializes in issues that relate to PC usability and consumer safety.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Moses_K.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7271215

Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

Website Promotion and Marketing Using the Latest Google SEO Tools and Techniques

Businesses and companies in today's economy are turning more to exploring what SEO professionals can do for them to improve the chances of their website being noticed by ordinary internet visitors or by people who are searching for specific services and very narrow types of services offered online. The possibility of occupying top levels of webpage display results on Google are very slim if the company has not been working on optimizing its keywords or hired a professional to do this for them. It really takes an experienced online marketing firm to help business or company to provide successful internet promotion using keywords and help them grow significantly by optimizing search engine performance.
The fees charged by online marketing companies to improve SEO or AMP status of a website are not utterly high and justified because this type of promotional enhancement requires some tweaking and adjusting depending on the company's website resources. The specialists of SEO marketing firm can provide specific and detailed advice regarding the steps and stages of performance improvement in order for the company to hit first pages of Google search when clients or customers perform keyword lookup online when looking for particular service or product they would like to buy. By comparing the number of hits in a certain period of time, the site statistics can be seen and the improvement can be presented and evaluated in real numbers to see how the progress with optimization increases their leads and how search engine functionality plays a role and positively impacting the number of visitors brought to the website.
This kind of automated tracking and ability to adjust the results of promotional campaign creates dramatic difference between AMP or SEO based promotion and more traditional marketing approaches, such as advertisement in its most basic sense or trying to attract clients by posting rigid and not always useful backlinks and meta-tags.
During the optimization process, it is also possible to discover what side of business or sphere of activity it had been missing on because due to search results and statistical assessment of clicks and hits, companies can discover a certain niche in the market not presently or previously occupied, or can discover that competition in the local area is very slow and by offering certain products or services in demand as indicated by optimization process, can be successfully offered and sold according to the customer demand. Also, based on keyword statistics and analysis of hits in a certain period of time, companies can become able overcome its competitor firms by offering a specialized or very narrow niche product or service and thereby eliminate any type of competition completely and for long time.
When SEO or AMP projects are initiated, the experts in internet-based promotion will also evaluate and redesign their approaches to finding new customers and targeting their audience in the area of business. In this respect keyword search is becoming a powerful and smart mechanism of analyzing consumer behavior and catering to their needs better which will most certainly have an immediate impact on leads generation and the overall online success.
When selecting a contractor for redesigning internet marketing to suit SEO, it is recommended that the business performs thorough research in regards to quality and experience of website promoter based on their portfolio or work history.
Interested in promoting your business, product or service online? Read more information from SEO Toronto marketing services and learn how to successfully promote your business with Toronto SEO professionals.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_J_Ward

Negotiating: Men Vs Women - Who Wants To Win More?

In the world of negotiations there is a classic question that has existed since the start of time: who wants to "win" a negotiation more, men or women? I've heard this one debated over countless meals in countless bars over the years and yet I've never hear a good answer. We all have different negotiation styles and negotiating techniques, who does it better? Guess what: that's all changed now. The researchers have completed their study and now we know the answer.
Who Needs Ethics?
Researchers have recently published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology the results of their studies on the differences between men and women when something is being negotiated. The results are not pretty.
What the researchers found was that it appears that all too often, during the negotiation process men were willing to put their ethical standards aside during a negotiation in order to win. So much for the negotiation definition that says that we're all supposed to be conducting a principled negotiation. The reason for this behavior was that men were more pragmatic in how they reasoned about ethics. This mean that they could be more lenient in how they went about applying ethical standards. To use a big word, the researchers discovered that men were more prone to what the researchers called a "moral hypocrisy".
Why Each Negotiation Means So Much To A Man
As though that all wasn't enough, the researchers found something else out. They discovered that during a negotiation, men more often than not tend to assume that their masculinity is at stake. They will take some very specific actions because of this.
Specifically, they will view the negotiation as a threat and this will cause them to act more aggressively. In order to be successful during the negotiation and to protect their masculinity, men are willing to use ethics as just another negotiating tool.
What All Of This Means For You
Finally we appear to have an answer to the classic question of who wants to win a negotiation more: men or women. The researchers have completed their study and they say that the answer is men.
However, it turns out that the reason that the scientists were able to come to this conclusion was because their study revealed that men are more willing to relax their ethical standards when they are involved in a negotiation. They also assume that their masculinity is at stake during the negotiation and this can make them more aggressive.
The next time that you are involved in a negotiation, make sure that you know which gender is sitting on the other side of the table. Knowing this may help you to come up with a strategy that will result in a better deal for both sides.
Dr. Jim Anderson
Your Source For Real World Negotiating Skills™
Dr. Jim Anderson has spent over 20 successful years negotiating sales of all sizes. Dr. Anderson offers you his insights on how to develop your negotiating skills so that you can approach sales negotiations with more confidence that you'll be able close more deals and close them faster!
Oh, and if you want to follow Dr. Anderson on Twitter, he can be found at: http://twitter.com/drjimanderson
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Jim_Anderson


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7307908
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