Online marketing adalah aktivitas komunikasi pemasaran dengan menggunakan media
Internet. Pada awalnya menggunakan halaman-halaman statis berformat HTML
yang bisa diakses oleh pengguna Internet. Itulah awal dari website yang
kemudian menjadi semacam 'brosur online' dan bahkan ‘kantor kedua’ bagi
perusahaan-perusahaan untuk menampilkan jati dirinya ke seluruh dunia.
Pada perkembangannya online marketing tidak hanya menggunakan media
website, namun juga email dan aplikasi-aplikasi lain yang berjalan di
atas protocol Internet.
Sebagai bagian dari kegiatan marketing dengan menggunakan media Internet, online advertising (periklanan di Internet) menjadi kajian yang menarik bagi para marketer khususnya dan dunia usaha umumnya.
Apa sebenarnya periklanan di Internet itu?
Pada awalnya periklanan di media Internet adalah memindahkan materi
iklan yang sudah berjalan di media konvensional (televisi, majalah,
surat kabar) ke dalam website. Namun pada perkembangannya, pemanfaatan
karakteristik media Internet mampu memaksimalkan hasil yang didapat
melalui aktifitas periklanan di Internet. Hal tersebut menjadikan media
Internet kini dipakai sebagai bagian dari bauran pemasaran (marketing mix) dengan pendekatan yang berbeda sesuai dengan karakteristik media dan target audiens yang ingin dicapai.
Aktifitas yang lazim dipakai dalam periklanan di media Internet adalah
memasang banner (banner ad). Namun tuntutan komunikasi pemasaran yang
makin kompleks tidak cukup hanya dengan cara seperti itu. Dibutuhkan
strategi, kreatifitas dan pengukuran yang akurat serta
mengkonvergensikan kemungkinan yang ada. Misalnya, menggunakan strategi
viral melalui email marketing, membangun situs khusus produk yang
terpisah dari corporate site, merancang webtorial pages, membuat
advert-gaming, mensinergikan dengan mobile marketing, online
survey/polling dan strategi lainnya.
Selain aktifitas periklanan di atas, ada juga teknik periklanan yang lebih murah dan efisien, yaitu menggunakan mesin pencari ( Search Engine Otimization
). Dengan SEO, website akan mudah ditemukan di mesin pencari dan
kemungkinan dikunjungi semakin tinggi karena saat ini 80% pengguna
internet mencari data dengan memanfaatkan mesin pencari sebagai basis
awal pencarian.
Masih banyak kemungkinan pengembangan lain pada periklanan di Internet. Bersama online marketing consultant, anda akan siap mewujudkan tercapainya online markerting campaign Anda dengan pendekatan yang efektif dan efisien.
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Rabu, 26 Desember 2012
Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012
Understanding Factors Of Successful Facebook Page Marketing
Getting people to 'like' anything you have online, site or Facebook
page, is not as simple as you may think. There are more than 3 million
active Fan Pages on Facebook, how do you get your target audience to
take notice of yours? Are you aware of any strategies for amassing more
likes for your FB fan page? We will talk about several effective
approaches you can test on your own page.
What you want to do is give people the ability to comment on your landing pages, and that way you will have that without the need for them to be a fan. Discovering what people who are in your audience think is always a very helpful exercise. You really can get a lot of exposure through comments as they are transmitted to that users news feed. Just contract out with some programmer to set this up unless you know how to code Facebook apps. In addition to doing this, you should also leverage your own Facebook profile to get people to visit your Page - you can do this by adding a link to your fan Page. Facebook has their own version of pay per click ads, and they are not hard to spot once you log into your account. If you want to trying testing it out, you can do that for your fan page. Obviously there will be a cost incurred here, but take a look at how large your market is and see what you think. Facebook has a robust demographics targeting feature for their ads, so be sure to use it. You can use criteria based on geography as well as the usual such as age and gender. And the fact that Facebook Pages convert better through Facebook Ads gives you a bigger advantage over the others who are not using it. Besides this, you can also convert your existing customers into Facebook fans; just let them know through email about your Page and ask them politely to join it. If somebody has bought a product from you in the past and liked it, chances are they wouldn't think twice before Liking your Page. Take a look at for clear information.
It will never hurt to think outside the box as much as possible to get more exposure. It is up to you to discover what converts well on your site. Anyone you know really should be treated just like any other person on the net whether you know them or not. You want to get a constant stream of people to your fan page so they can check it out.
This is all just about promoting your Facebook Page and then asking people to Like your content. Just do not worry because you may be just started out, everyone starts at the same place so remember that.
by Gortman Lawn
What you want to do is give people the ability to comment on your landing pages, and that way you will have that without the need for them to be a fan. Discovering what people who are in your audience think is always a very helpful exercise. You really can get a lot of exposure through comments as they are transmitted to that users news feed. Just contract out with some programmer to set this up unless you know how to code Facebook apps. In addition to doing this, you should also leverage your own Facebook profile to get people to visit your Page - you can do this by adding a link to your fan Page. Facebook has their own version of pay per click ads, and they are not hard to spot once you log into your account. If you want to trying testing it out, you can do that for your fan page. Obviously there will be a cost incurred here, but take a look at how large your market is and see what you think. Facebook has a robust demographics targeting feature for their ads, so be sure to use it. You can use criteria based on geography as well as the usual such as age and gender. And the fact that Facebook Pages convert better through Facebook Ads gives you a bigger advantage over the others who are not using it. Besides this, you can also convert your existing customers into Facebook fans; just let them know through email about your Page and ask them politely to join it. If somebody has bought a product from you in the past and liked it, chances are they wouldn't think twice before Liking your Page. Take a look at for clear information.
It will never hurt to think outside the box as much as possible to get more exposure. It is up to you to discover what converts well on your site. Anyone you know really should be treated just like any other person on the net whether you know them or not. You want to get a constant stream of people to your fan page so they can check it out.
This is all just about promoting your Facebook Page and then asking people to Like your content. Just do not worry because you may be just started out, everyone starts at the same place so remember that.
by Gortman Lawn
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