aslm wr.wb
Maaf gan, udah hampir sebulan gak posting di blog gue, karna sibuk buka bisnis baru, skrg lg menikmati jadi pengusaha, walaupun masih UKM..uasah kecil milyarder..hihi
bagi gan2 yang takut berbisnis,, buang prasaan itu jauh2, karna jdi pengusaha itu sangat asyk bro..kita bebas untuk berekspresi, tidak ada yang mengatur,,krn kita bosnya sendiri, gak ada yang nyikut dari belakang, gak di perintah2 lagi sama atasan, buruan jadi pengusaha, walaupun pengusaha gorengan, tapi penghasilan gak kalah sama manejer sebuah perusaahaan...
udah dulu ya bro..entar smua pensaran lagi mau usaha atau mau di gajia perbulan....
Jumat, 25 Januari 2013
Senin, 31 Desember 2012
Pisau Ulir Kentang Spiral Tipe Tabung
Jual Pisau Ulir Kentang Spiral dengan model dan spesifikasi:1. Tipe Standar Harga Rp. 950.000;
-. Bahan Pipa Tabung Standar 1mm
-. Dudukan Standar
-. Mata Pisau Stainless Steel
-. Cadangan Mata Pisau 1 unit
2. Tipe Medium Harga Rp. 1.110.000;
-. Bahan Pipa Tabung Tebal 3mm
-. Mata Pisau Stainless Steel
-. Dudukan Stainless Steel yang kokoh
-. Cadangan Mata Pisau 1 unit
-. Garansi 6 bulan perbaikan Mata Pisau
2. Tipe Twisterdog Manual Harga Rp. 1.500.000;
-. Bahan Pipa Tabung Tebal
-. Mata Pisau Stainless Steel
-. Dudukan Stainless Steel yang kokoh
-. Cadangan Mata Pisau 1 unit
-. Garansi 6 bulan perbaikan Mata Pisau
-. Alat tambahan untuk membuat Twisterdog
-. Bonus dudukan untuk pajangan kentang spiral
*Kelebihan Pisau Ulir tipe tabung adalah Tidak mudah ditiru oleh orang-orang yang suka mencuri-curi lihat sistem kerja Pisau Ulir ini untuk kepentingan mereka pribadi.
* Kelebihan lain dari tipe ini Tipe ini adalah lebih praktis dalam pemakaian dan perawatan dan lebih cepat dalam proses pemotongan kentang.
*Ada Harga Ada Kualitas, Harga/Uang tak pernah bohong
Harga belum termasuk ongkir
COD – Pekanbaru
HP – 085265328328 BPK RAHMAN
Rabu, 26 Desember 2012
Online Marketing: Strategi Pemasaran Online
Online marketing adalah aktivitas komunikasi pemasaran dengan menggunakan media
Internet. Pada awalnya menggunakan halaman-halaman statis berformat HTML
yang bisa diakses oleh pengguna Internet. Itulah awal dari website yang
kemudian menjadi semacam 'brosur online' dan bahkan ‘kantor kedua’ bagi
perusahaan-perusahaan untuk menampilkan jati dirinya ke seluruh dunia.
Pada perkembangannya online marketing tidak hanya menggunakan media website, namun juga email dan aplikasi-aplikasi lain yang berjalan di atas protocol Internet.
Sebagai bagian dari kegiatan marketing dengan menggunakan media Internet, online advertising (periklanan di Internet) menjadi kajian yang menarik bagi para marketer khususnya dan dunia usaha umumnya.
Apa sebenarnya periklanan di Internet itu?
Pada awalnya periklanan di media Internet adalah memindahkan materi iklan yang sudah berjalan di media konvensional (televisi, majalah, surat kabar) ke dalam website. Namun pada perkembangannya, pemanfaatan karakteristik media Internet mampu memaksimalkan hasil yang didapat melalui aktifitas periklanan di Internet. Hal tersebut menjadikan media Internet kini dipakai sebagai bagian dari bauran pemasaran (marketing mix) dengan pendekatan yang berbeda sesuai dengan karakteristik media dan target audiens yang ingin dicapai.
Aktifitas yang lazim dipakai dalam periklanan di media Internet adalah memasang banner (banner ad). Namun tuntutan komunikasi pemasaran yang makin kompleks tidak cukup hanya dengan cara seperti itu. Dibutuhkan strategi, kreatifitas dan pengukuran yang akurat serta mengkonvergensikan kemungkinan yang ada. Misalnya, menggunakan strategi viral melalui email marketing, membangun situs khusus produk yang terpisah dari corporate site, merancang webtorial pages, membuat advert-gaming, mensinergikan dengan mobile marketing, online survey/polling dan strategi lainnya.
Selain aktifitas periklanan di atas, ada juga teknik periklanan yang lebih murah dan efisien, yaitu menggunakan mesin pencari ( Search Engine Otimization ). Dengan SEO, website akan mudah ditemukan di mesin pencari dan kemungkinan dikunjungi semakin tinggi karena saat ini 80% pengguna internet mencari data dengan memanfaatkan mesin pencari sebagai basis awal pencarian.
Masih banyak kemungkinan pengembangan lain pada periklanan di Internet. Bersama online marketing consultant, anda akan siap mewujudkan tercapainya online markerting campaign Anda dengan pendekatan yang efektif dan efisien.
Pada perkembangannya online marketing tidak hanya menggunakan media website, namun juga email dan aplikasi-aplikasi lain yang berjalan di atas protocol Internet.
Sebagai bagian dari kegiatan marketing dengan menggunakan media Internet, online advertising (periklanan di Internet) menjadi kajian yang menarik bagi para marketer khususnya dan dunia usaha umumnya.
Apa sebenarnya periklanan di Internet itu?
Pada awalnya periklanan di media Internet adalah memindahkan materi iklan yang sudah berjalan di media konvensional (televisi, majalah, surat kabar) ke dalam website. Namun pada perkembangannya, pemanfaatan karakteristik media Internet mampu memaksimalkan hasil yang didapat melalui aktifitas periklanan di Internet. Hal tersebut menjadikan media Internet kini dipakai sebagai bagian dari bauran pemasaran (marketing mix) dengan pendekatan yang berbeda sesuai dengan karakteristik media dan target audiens yang ingin dicapai.
Aktifitas yang lazim dipakai dalam periklanan di media Internet adalah memasang banner (banner ad). Namun tuntutan komunikasi pemasaran yang makin kompleks tidak cukup hanya dengan cara seperti itu. Dibutuhkan strategi, kreatifitas dan pengukuran yang akurat serta mengkonvergensikan kemungkinan yang ada. Misalnya, menggunakan strategi viral melalui email marketing, membangun situs khusus produk yang terpisah dari corporate site, merancang webtorial pages, membuat advert-gaming, mensinergikan dengan mobile marketing, online survey/polling dan strategi lainnya.
Selain aktifitas periklanan di atas, ada juga teknik periklanan yang lebih murah dan efisien, yaitu menggunakan mesin pencari ( Search Engine Otimization ). Dengan SEO, website akan mudah ditemukan di mesin pencari dan kemungkinan dikunjungi semakin tinggi karena saat ini 80% pengguna internet mencari data dengan memanfaatkan mesin pencari sebagai basis awal pencarian.
Masih banyak kemungkinan pengembangan lain pada periklanan di Internet. Bersama online marketing consultant, anda akan siap mewujudkan tercapainya online markerting campaign Anda dengan pendekatan yang efektif dan efisien.
Senin, 24 Desember 2012
Digital Maps And Overlayed Geographical Data
We all know that computers have changed our lives for ever and
today due to their influence we experience the world of maps in a
totally different way to the way we did before. Long gone (for most) is
the paper OS Map, you know the one that you can never ever fold up once
you have unfurled it. No today we use our GPS, smartphones, PC's or
tablets to view maps.
These maps are not however anything like the ones we have been used too. They had a bit of information, like where the pubs were (PH) or the phone boxes, but beyond that the 'useful' information was more likely to include a spot height than anything else. If you wanted to find a place to eat you would have to cross reference to the Yellow Pages or a local phone directory. But not any more, these days maps can be overlayed with just about any set of data you want, from restaurants to flood plain data, all at a touch of a button.
Of course the items shown from device to device does vary, for instance the Points Of Interest on a Tom Tom are going to be travel and leisure related, but in some cases, like the way that Google Maps work, different types of data can be overlayed as wanted.
But what if you want an unusual data set, say land use or conservation areas, or maybe the catchment area for a school, all of which is vital stuff for people? Here you need the services of a digital mapping company, one that has access to the maps that the Ordnance Survey produce and lots of data that they have collected (or have access too) so that they can overlay the information for you.
The name for the tool set that produces such services is a Geographical Information System, which as you can perhaps tell uses Maps (the geographical part) with Information (the data part) using computers (the system part). This sort of technology is not cheap or simple, so only a few major players are out there, but rest assured, if you need to have maps, maps overlayed with data, you will be able to get them.
However, perhaps the greatest change in the use of maps is how they are being used along with aerial photography, Google's 'Google Earth' perhaps being one of the most splendid examples today. Google Earth allows you to go just about anywhere these days, and with the advent of their Liquid Galaxy system, they have 'upped the ante' once more.
The Liquid Galaxy system consists of up to eight large LCD/LED screens all surrounding the user who is armed with a joy stick. This allows the user to perform a sort of 3 dimensional flight, enabling them to zoom down close the Earth, as well as to climb high and get a real birds eye view. I am told that it is so realistic that you could get travel sick!
I have no idea as to what will be coming next in the combined world of maps and computers, but you can be sure that it is going to be interesting!
These maps are not however anything like the ones we have been used too. They had a bit of information, like where the pubs were (PH) or the phone boxes, but beyond that the 'useful' information was more likely to include a spot height than anything else. If you wanted to find a place to eat you would have to cross reference to the Yellow Pages or a local phone directory. But not any more, these days maps can be overlayed with just about any set of data you want, from restaurants to flood plain data, all at a touch of a button.
Of course the items shown from device to device does vary, for instance the Points Of Interest on a Tom Tom are going to be travel and leisure related, but in some cases, like the way that Google Maps work, different types of data can be overlayed as wanted.
But what if you want an unusual data set, say land use or conservation areas, or maybe the catchment area for a school, all of which is vital stuff for people? Here you need the services of a digital mapping company, one that has access to the maps that the Ordnance Survey produce and lots of data that they have collected (or have access too) so that they can overlay the information for you.
The name for the tool set that produces such services is a Geographical Information System, which as you can perhaps tell uses Maps (the geographical part) with Information (the data part) using computers (the system part). This sort of technology is not cheap or simple, so only a few major players are out there, but rest assured, if you need to have maps, maps overlayed with data, you will be able to get them.
However, perhaps the greatest change in the use of maps is how they are being used along with aerial photography, Google's 'Google Earth' perhaps being one of the most splendid examples today. Google Earth allows you to go just about anywhere these days, and with the advent of their Liquid Galaxy system, they have 'upped the ante' once more.
The Liquid Galaxy system consists of up to eight large LCD/LED screens all surrounding the user who is armed with a joy stick. This allows the user to perform a sort of 3 dimensional flight, enabling them to zoom down close the Earth, as well as to climb high and get a real birds eye view. I am told that it is so realistic that you could get travel sick!
I have no idea as to what will be coming next in the combined world of maps and computers, but you can be sure that it is going to be interesting!
Interested in the fascinating world of mapping? If so you must check out this demonstrating the way that modern digital mapping
is changing how we see the world today. Using computer technology,
information can now be overlayed onto maps making planning and other
decisions far easier. See just how this could help you and your
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Minggu, 25 November 2012
How to Sell Your Home Quickly and Easily
If you are putting your home on the market, you can get it to
sell sooner or later, depending on how you market it. Here are some tips
to help you sell your house as soon as possible.
Make it Different From Your Neighbours
You can make your house stand out from your neighbour's houses by adding certain unique elements. You can upgrade the windows to make them look different and unique. You could even renovate the house and add a balcony or an extra room to provide potential sellers with more value for their money. However, do your research before you renovate. Research shows that certain additions do not pay off. These include new bathrooms and sunrooms. However, improvement can really help you in selling your house especially in a down market.
Clean Your House
Before you show your house to any potential buyers, clean up your home and make it look presentable. You might also want to remove some furniture to make certain rooms look bigger. Another important tip is to remove any personal items from your house. Remove personal items and family photographs to make the house look more neutral and more inviting to other people.
Make a Deal
In this market, buyers are looking for deals wherever they can get some. You could offer to pay all the closing costs or you could even offer to close the sale very quickly. Many buyers are motivated to close sales quickly and if you could do this within 30 to 60 days, you might see many more buyers coming your way. Try to keep the deal as part of your contract so that buyers will be motivated to buy your property compared to other properties.
Judging by the Cover
When it comes to buying property, the first thing buyers notice is the exterior of the property. You need to make sure your house gels well with the neighbourhood. Get the walls of your house a fresh coat of paint from the outside and keep any gardens or balconies in good condition. The first glance can often set your home apart from other not so well-maintained homes.
Fix It Up
Make sure all the appliances, electrical sockets, fans, lights and plumbing are in working condition. Buyers are not looking to move into a home if they have to wait before everything starts working properly, neither do they wish to spend money fixing it up.
Most importantly, you should ensure that your house is priced properly. You can consult a real estate professional to help you decide an appropriate price for your property.
Make it Different From Your Neighbours
You can make your house stand out from your neighbour's houses by adding certain unique elements. You can upgrade the windows to make them look different and unique. You could even renovate the house and add a balcony or an extra room to provide potential sellers with more value for their money. However, do your research before you renovate. Research shows that certain additions do not pay off. These include new bathrooms and sunrooms. However, improvement can really help you in selling your house especially in a down market.
Clean Your House
Before you show your house to any potential buyers, clean up your home and make it look presentable. You might also want to remove some furniture to make certain rooms look bigger. Another important tip is to remove any personal items from your house. Remove personal items and family photographs to make the house look more neutral and more inviting to other people.
Make a Deal
In this market, buyers are looking for deals wherever they can get some. You could offer to pay all the closing costs or you could even offer to close the sale very quickly. Many buyers are motivated to close sales quickly and if you could do this within 30 to 60 days, you might see many more buyers coming your way. Try to keep the deal as part of your contract so that buyers will be motivated to buy your property compared to other properties.
Judging by the Cover
When it comes to buying property, the first thing buyers notice is the exterior of the property. You need to make sure your house gels well with the neighbourhood. Get the walls of your house a fresh coat of paint from the outside and keep any gardens or balconies in good condition. The first glance can often set your home apart from other not so well-maintained homes.
Fix It Up
Make sure all the appliances, electrical sockets, fans, lights and plumbing are in working condition. Buyers are not looking to move into a home if they have to wait before everything starts working properly, neither do they wish to spend money fixing it up.
Most importantly, you should ensure that your house is priced properly. You can consult a real estate professional to help you decide an appropriate price for your property.
Harji Realtors is one of the leading real estate agents in the
region of Chandigarh, Mohali and Kharar. For more information on great
deals in Flat in Mohali and the best Plot in Sunny Enclave check out our website.
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